Child Advocacy



The Baby Pantry is available free of charge to all Gratiot County residents with children under the age of 5. We are open every other Wednesday from 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. for curbside pickup and every other Thursday by appointment only with the exception of holidays, when Alma Public Schools close due to weather, or in the case of public health emergencies that require mandatory shutdown. Please visit our homepage or Facebook page for all Baby Pantry updates.

Appointment selections open every other Monday morning at 8:00 a.m. and will be limited to one client for each time slot on a first come first serve basis. Appointments can be made through Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. 

In-person appointments are used in place of the curbside pickup option. Please do not select an appointment AND complete an online order for curbside pickup. Appointments work great for families who need to add a child or complete paperwork, have questions about the pantry, or would like more information on important topics like safe sleep, positive discipline, or other topics we have information on in our resource library, or for families who like to pick out clothing items.

Please do not call our office if you do not see the appointment time you want listed below. The time slots are listed based on availability. If you are unable to keep your scheduled time please contact our office to cancel at (989) 463-1422.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Complete the online form and select your appointment time.
  2. Please arrive at your scheduled time – if you arrive early please remain in your car until your scheduled arrival time.
  3. Please come to the front door (not the Baby Pantry door) to be buzzed in for your appointment. A staff member will come to the lobby at your appointment time to take you down to shop. We are limiting each appointment to direct caregivers only.
  4. During your appointment, a staff member will assist you with shopping for your items, help with paperwork, and gather any requested resources for you.
  5. When your appointment is complete, a staff member will walk you out of the building. Please do not ask to schedule your next appointment with our staff; all appointments will open up to everyone every other Monday morning at 8 a.m.